Teachers, Parents, and Students:
Getwise.org is the official online resource for LivingWise®, WaterWise™, EnergyWise® and other educational programs developed by AM Conservation. These award-winning programs are taught in thousands of classrooms nationwide. Annually, more than 550,000 households participate in these hands-on programs that enable families to save precious natural resources, form lifelong habits, and save money on their utility bills.
As the Education Director for AM Conservation, I set rigorous expectations for our materials. Programs are designed for learning and are aligned to state academic standards in math, science, and English language arts. Additionally, the materials meet the rigorous expectations of STEM.
Customized curriculum and kit items are continually enhanced using feedback from our Teacher Focus Groups; the attendees are directed by a senior level, marketing research professional. The groups are composed of current program teachers who have state-of-the-art education initiatives in mind.
The getwise.org website features useful savings tips and online resources to help you get the most out of the program. In addition to the wide variety of program materials, we offer helpful videos designed to show you how small changes can mean big savings. Take full advantage of all the materials and enjoy engaging in this exciting learning adventure!
From school to home, Conservation has a new Classroom.
Diane Sumner, Ed.D.
Education Director
AM Conservation